Friday, August 6, 2010

Chicks & Toads

The chicks arrived today.

The free chick.  With every order McMurray Hatchery includes a free chick of another breed.  It will be fun seeing what breed this one is.

Also of note today, one of our resident toads taking an afternoon shower:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Linden in Full Bloom

This is the time of year our Little Leaf Linden tree is in full bloom. The bees love it.

The tree is about 30 feet tall, or more.  It is covered in yellowish-green flowers.  It is a buzz with activity.  There are literally thousands of bees collecting pollen/sap in it.

I be no bee expert but this looks like a honey bee to me.  There are no hives close that I know of, so I am guessing it be a wild honey bee.  I have heard that if an empty hive is set up that wild swarms may occupy them.  I am tempted to give it a try and see what may bee or not bee.